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Signal generator in a sentence

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Sentence count:60Posted:2021-10-06Updated:2021-10-06
Similar words: electrical generatordiesel generatorgeneratorregeneratordc generatorac generatoraerogeneratorwind generator
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(31) Microwave signal generator from the UHF band up to the millimeter-wave signal generator.
(32) Software algorithm is the kernel to realize virtual instrument. Waveform output algorithm is the key in virtual signal generator.
(33) Numerical - controlled and sweep frequency signal generator is made by integrated function generator ICL 8038 and AT 89 C 2051.
(34) Microwave signal generator FenMiBo until millimeter wave bands from the signal generator.
(35) This timing signal generator is applied to a wind profile radar successfully and operates well.
(36) This lab is equipped with dual-trace oscilloscope, signal generator, DC power supply, digital multi-meter and TPE-SXZ training tables.
(37) Our research on this subject centers on design and realization of the dynamic background signal generator in the simulator of electromagnetism environment of communication signals.
(38) This system consists of DDS signal generator module, MCU control module, keyboard input module and nixie tube display module.
(39) The Walh signal generator was designed by use of the theories of digit circuit according to Walh series and the diagram of the system as well as its waveforms of output were showed.
(40) The key technology of high-frequency medical EIT system is presented in detail, i. e. the signal generator, voltage controlled current source, analog switch array and signal demodulation.
(41) The functions of the arbitrary signal generator and cymometer can be realized with this instrumen. t Principles and design of the hardware and software are described.
(42) It comprises a light signal generator, a light filter, a focus device and a reflector.
(43) And time signal generator is an indispensable module and offers the simulation environment of hardware simulation.
(44) The virtual signal generator has 12-channels outputs for linear scanning frequency signal or fixed frequency sine wave excitation signal.
(45) One design method of composite video signal generator using high-speed D/A converter was proposed.
(46) Abstract: The conception, structure[], features and tendency of virtual instruments are introduced and the method of forming a virtu al oscilloscope and signal generator are introduced.
(47) SAR point target echo simulator which based on DDS chirp signal generator is introduced; it is composed of ARM controller unit and LFM signal generator unit.
(48) A simplified and practical method of barrage jamming signal generator based on FPGA is presented.
(49) Function signal generator of the system can produce sine, square, triangular wave.
(50) The low power consumption digital true random source comprises a high speed random oscillator signal generator, an alternative oscillation stop control unit, a clock generator and a sampling unit.
(51) And it describes in details the design process of the IF sampling, digital down converter, IQ data processing and entire phase coherent signal generator modules involved in the system.
(52) The issue illustrates the RF synthesized signal generator HP8662A'troubleshooting technique by the analysis of the instrument's theory of operation.
(53) The principle of using ISP technology to implement the PC card based programmable control coded digital signal generator is introduced.
(54) The virtual signal generator can generate sine wave, triangle wave, square wave, sawtooth wave and other standard signal. It also can add some noise to those
(55) The system mainly consists of a beam-splitting system, a linear CCD, a pulse laser synchronous signal generator, a sampling data card and a computer.
(56) At last, the hardware realization method of dynamic background signal generator based on software radio is advanced.
(57) The transmitter circuit consists of a pulse signal generator circuit, band-pass filters, power amplifiers.
(58) Based on the introduction of MAX038 , we discussed the principle and the whole frame of the digital function signal generator.
(59) The article introduced the principle and apply of the transistor avalanche through four example of transistor oscillator, avalanche oscillator, audio signal generator, flash metronome.
(60) In this paper a new type of PAL and NTSC color bar signal generator is described, which consists of a few digital integrated circuits and two analog integrated circuits.
More similar words: electrical generatordiesel generatorgeneratorregeneratordc generatorac generatoraerogeneratorwind generatorturbogeneratorgenerator matrixturbine generatorpattern generatorprogram generatorfunction generatorelectric generatorcharacter generatorinduction generatorannual general meetingthermoelectric generatorsignal-to-noise ratiosignal to noise ratiogenerationalsignatorydesignatorcosignatorystorm signalintergenerationalconsul generalsignal distortiongenerate
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